The founding attorney of the Slade Law Firm has over two decades of experience as a traffic violations defense attorney. From our offices conveniently located in San Antonio, we help people in San Antonio and its surrounding areas fight their traffic tickets. Whether you’ve received a ticket for not having insurance, running a stop sign, speeding or any other traffic violation, we can assist you in minimizing the consequences of your citation.
Traffic Violation in San Antonio, Texas?
When you hire the Law Offices of Gordon Slade to represent you in your traffic violation or traffic ticket, our lawyer will be with you at your hearing and negotiate on your behalf. We have helped hundreds of clients in avoiding or reducing their fines, not having to go to driving school and keeping their licenses.

Contact the Law Offices of Gordon Slade today to receive answers to your questions regarding:
Speeding tickets: In the majority of cases, our firm can assist you in keeping your speeding ticket off your record so that you can avoid an increase in your insurance rates.
Traffic warrants: Contact an experienced traffic ticket defense attorney before going to traffic court, or being arrested during a warrant roundup.
Standard traffic violations: If you’ve been cited for driving without proper insurance or running a stop sign, we can help minimize or throw out your traffic ticket.
Trucker and CDL violations: Your CDL could be in jeopardy if you’ve received a traffic ticket. Gordon Slade understands that your livelihood depends on maintaining your record as cleans as possible.
Alcohol violations: There’s no need to be charged with a DWI in order to face a suspension of your license. If you’ve been accused of any alcohol violations, we can assist you in protecting your driver’s license.
Trucker and CDL violations: Your CDL could be in jeopardy if you’ve received a traffic ticket. Gordon Slade understands that your livelihood depends on maintaining your record as cleans as possible.
Alcohol violations: There’s no need to be charged with a DWI in order to face a suspension of your license. If you’ve been accused of any alcohol violations, we can assist you in protecting your driver’s license.
School zone violations: We can help you in reducing the consequences of passing a school bus, speeding, and other school zone violations.
School zone violations: We can help you in reducing the consequences of passing a school bus, speeding, and other school zone violations.
Out-of-state drivers: If you were issued a traffic ticket or traffic violation while driving through Texas there’s no need to return to fight your ticket. We can represent you at your hearing on your behalf.
NTTA violations: If you were arrested for unpaid speeding tickets, toll violations or other traffic violations, we could represent you, protecting your rights.
Driver’s license suspension: If you have a suspended driver’s license, we can represent you in an appeal. We will help you to retain your rights, earn back your drivers license or assist you in receiving a conditional license, which allows you to do things like run errands for your family, take your children to school, and drive to work.
Nontraffic violations: Even a nontraffic violation could lead to your license being suspended. If you are a minor and have been charged with tobacco or alcohol possession, we can assist you in helping you keep your license.

Defending Traffic Violations in San Antonio and Bexar County
In Texas, a traffic violation can subject you to expensive fines, substantial increases in insurance rates (or even loss of coverage), and ultimately the loss of privilege to drive if you are assessed a number of points against your license. Commercial drivers (CDL) are at risk of losing their jobs in some instances if they receive even one conviction!
Commercial Drivers are at risk because Municipal and Justice Courts by law cannot offer probation or a Driver Safety course dismissal. These cases must either be postponed for trial or be prepared for trial or appealed to County Court to seek relief.
All drivers are subject to paying annual surcharges to the state to keep their license if they acquire more than six (6) points in any three year period.
At the Law Offices of Gordon Slade in San Antonio, Texas, we assist our clients by either seeking dismissals or negotiating with the prosecutors to keep your driving record clean. In most cases, you will not have to appear in court. We provide representation designed to save you time and money, while protecting your driving record and your rights.
Contact us today to discuss your case and the legal options to pursue. All initial consultations are free.
Traffic Ticket Defense in San Antonio and Bexar County
Our firm represents drivers in traffic cases in San Antonio and the Bexar County area, including:
* Failure to provide proof of insurance
* Aggressive driving * Speeding * Red light violations
* Lane change violations * Failure to obey stop signs
* License violations * School Zone charges * Parking tickets
* Cell Phone Violator * Child Seatbelt
When you call the Law offices of Gordon W. Slade, you can confer directly with Mr. Slade and discuss your case and legal options.
Traffic Court Citations
If you have received a citation to present yourself in traffic court, you need to understand how and if your driving abilities will be affected, along with any associated potential costs. Gordon Slade has worked on issues of this kind for over two decades and has handled thousands of traffic tickets in the process.
Our attorneys have the experience and knowledge to deal with all types of traffic tickets, having handled them in San Antonio and its surrounding areas. When you want a lawyer that is prepared to bring their knowledge and work with you to reach the best possible outcome, contact the Law Offices of Gordon Slade.
We can help you protect your driving record. We have over 21 years experience in defending traffic violations. We provide free consultations. Call or text us Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 5:30 or email us today.
* Every driver’s case is unique. However, we will do our best to achieve the best result possible given the facts of your case.